Environment & Sustainability Committee SurveyOctober 2022
Committee member Sangeeta Bajaj prepared an analysis of the responses in our recent survey and put it in a PowerPoint presentation, which the Committee delivered to the Club meeting on Tuesday 27th Sept.
Key findings were:
  • No respondent said they were not interested, and over half of the respondents said they were very interested in environmental issues, an extremely pleasing result.
  • Climate Change and Responsible Consumption and Waste Disposal were the most concerning issues but maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance were not far behind.
  • Local community-based issues were clearly the most popular. These could involve working alongside the Youth Committee and our local schools, and other groups such as The Men’s Shed, EVA, ECH and FELP etc.
  • Hands-on activities and fundraising were the most popular. We have a budget but the Committee is yet to decide what to spend it on. A stand at the Emerald Rotary Market is an option for some of the funds .
  • To receive information about environmental issues and events, Guest speakers were the most preferred followed by Attachments to Sparkle, our Club Newsletter.
NOTE: Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) has a Memorandum of Understanding with Project Drawdown to educate Rotarians to implement Drawdown Solutions and reverse climate change as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. Their YouTube videos are easily accessible and contain a wealth of information for the layperson.